Code of Conduct

Parents, you are an integral part of the robotics competition experience!

 Your support is needed to keep your kids excited about robotics. Here is the best way to support your growing roboticist:

  • Keep it fun and positive, not about winning

  • Compliment small achievements and how they are learning

  • Stay level headed when team dynamics issues arise, remember there are always different perspectives at work

  • Never code or build for your team

  • Be present outside of coaching hours

  • Encourage sportsmanship, responsibility and kindness

Additional Opportunities

Would you like to be involved in the exciting realm of competitive robotics? 

There are several ways to be involved. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact Adria.

League Nights

We need help setting up fields, ensuring kids are at the fields on time (Queuing), helping with inspections and odds and ends as the evening progresses. 

If you are interested in helping with League Nights, sign up here!

Volunteer Roles

Not sure where you would like to lend a hand? 

Check out the Volunteer Roles.


Interested in fulfilling a judging role for tournaments? Check out the Judge Training and Certification offered by REC.

Head Referee

We are in need of Certified Referees for the Over Under season. If you are willing to take on this responsibility, check out the Certification Course!